Welcome, Bitches.

Enjoy the selection of music. While we do support musical and artistic expression, we urge you, the user, to only use these files as a sample and go out and buy the damn albums. If you cannot buy them, save up or get a job you dirty Internet hobo. Support the artists and go buy their albums or you will develop a rare case of cancerous flesh-eating AIDS virus and die horribly and it will be posted on YouTube.

Note: We are currently constructing a playlist to accompany the blog and sample what our library has to offer, so send us any requests you have and we'll accept it.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Voltaire - To The Bottom of The Sea

Artist: Voltaire
Genre: Gothic Acoustic Alternative
Album: To The Bottom of The Sea

Well. I'm not sure how mainstream this guy is, being fairly uneducated in modern Gothic culture, but he's talented. Voltaire really is a gothic renaissance man. He's written books, songs (duh), released his own line of plushies, his own line of toy cars, his own video game, tons of stuff. Not to mention, for some reason, news programs ALWAYS go to him to ask about goth culture. It's rather funny, actually. Voltaire writes songs about varied subjects, including: Goth culture, Star Trek, Star Wars, Vengeance, Emotion, Eating Brains, Zombies, Cannibals, Other evil stuff, etc etc... This album was his first album that he decided to independently release, and as such, it's not readily available. It's quite good, actually, and if you enjoy it, you should support him by picking up his other records. May I suggest Ooky Spooky?

To The Bottom of The Sea

UnexpecT - wE_Invaders and Utopia

Artist: UnexpecT, unexpecT, Unexpect, uneXpect or any other fucking variation.
Genre: Avant-Garde Metal
Album: wE_Invaders & Utopia

UnexpecT. If you haven't heard of this band, you should've. A LOOOOONG time ago. Hailing from Quebec, this Canadian group of 7 performs the craziest brand of music you'll find in the mainstream. And don't fool yourself, they are VERY mainstream in the metal community now. Their latest effort: In A Flesh Aquarium recieved many positive reviews from a lot of mainstream metal magazines, and you should DEFINTELY pick it up. However, it isn't featured here because you can find that one ANYWHERE. Instead, here is their first album, Utopia, and their follow-up wE_Invaders. Both are fantastic releases, and they are a bit rare. So. Stop reading this junk, and download it. Damn.

